Computer Implant Dreams
I looked at the top of my left hand and some kind of invisible worm had just been inserted into it. I saw a bump and it was squirming around under my skin. I rubbed the bump and thought, “I need to get it out.” It moved slightly back and forth and when I thought it was wiggling its way out it suddenly stopped as though it were no longer embedded under my skin. I rubbed the surface of my skin to see if I could feel it. I could not.
I was startled awake, sat up in bed, grabbed my wrist, and started rubbing the surface where I saw the implant inserted. As I looked down, immediately, I sensed “birthing.” It felt as real as when I was dreaming. I noted that it was 11:35 pm. I went back to sleep.
End of dream.
Like the first dream, I was startled awake from a deep sleep. It was so sudden that in the natural when I awoke with a olt it gave me no time to fully process what had occurred. My mind rushed with one thought. I knew the Spirit of God was impressing upon me, “I now understood what the implant was and what it was for. It wasn’t meant to be understood initially. The time was now.” End of dream.
Within seconds of sensing these words, I processed the dream and said, “Time to get going;” “to be fully operational.” I repeated and recorded “time to get going,” “to be fully operational,” and my final thought was, “I’m not sure if that is how to word it.”
12:50 am
I went back to sleep.
When I went back to sleep, I saw what was either a dream or a vision, I do not know. I saw what looked like a black computer screen filled with code, rising up and out where the invisible “worm” had been embedded. There was no visible computer, just a black screen from a computer. The code was scrolling quickly and endlessly from my wrist upwards. I knew it was coming from what was embedded under my skin from the previous dreams. End of dream.
April 19, 2019
At the end of my journal April 2019, I recorded the following: “What does this mean physically, in the world, the country? Mark of the beast?” “Worm” is also a virus in the computer world. Is this a warning of some kind to the church?
The “invisible worm” in the dream could represent COVID-19, symbolically connected to the “virus.” One year after this dream, April 2020, our country and most of the world were placed in quarantine. We were to remain as self-contained as possible.
Soon after the government put guidelines in place to contain the virus, it didn’t take long for people to begin walking around paralyzed by fear.
A rush for a vaccination began.
Because of this worldwide pandemic, countries began talking about the importance of knowing who is up to date on vaccinations. Conspiracy theories began flooding social media and one was and is that Bill Gates is playing a huge role to push the COVID-19 vaccination to the world.
Part of this theory is that he may be putting in place technology, such as an implant, to track individuals’ vaccination records in order to store a person’s health records. Systems around the world would be able to access the same information, i.e., border control for one. (Read more under Dream Three Interpretation below.)
NOTE: When believers hear “implant,” “chip,” being inserted there’s an automatic question, “is it the mark of the beast?” I’m not saying this is what my dream represents, but I do believe it is a warning of one of the end time signs and a look at how we can know the signs of the mark of the beast. Note: You can’t have a mark without the beast.
Many believe Christ will come to take his bride (church) to heaven (the rapture) before the mark of the beast is implemented. Regardless of when Christ returns, believers should not live in fear and be ready. Matthew 24:44
Continually look up to the clouds where the glory of the Lord will appear. Mark 14:62
If this implant had been on my right hand it would be a warning for me personally, however, because it’s on my left, it’s a warning to the church.
I didn’t want it. I didn’t ask for it. This could represent that it is something that will be mandatory, i.e., “He required everyone—small and great, rich and poor, free and slave—to be given a mark on the right hand or on the forehead.” Revelation 13:16-17
It wasn’t until after it had settled into my body that I realized it’s overall purpose. I said that it was ready “to be fully operational.” In reality, if one accepts a “mark” for vaccination records, does that mean the “mark,” has limited capabilities or does it do more?
Revelation 13:16-17 provides specific signs of what to look for:
“He required everyone—small and great, rich and poor, free and slave—to be given a mark on the right hand or on the forehead. And no one could buy or sell anything without that mark, which was either the name of the beast or the number representing his name.”
Purpose: The purpose of discerning if you are accepting “the mark,” is key. For me, one way is “does it give me the ability to buy and sell?” If it works at full capacity, i.e., “fully operational,” would I be able to buy goods with it? “ be given a mark on the right hand or on the forehead. And no one could buy or sell anything without that mark...” Revelation 13:16-17
Deception: “Time to get going.” Many times new functions on our phones are offered in stages. We don’t have access to everything at once, e.g., the “mark” may be “just” for vaccination purposes only.
As updates and revisions are put in place, more access is given, e.g., buy and sell. Don’t be ignorant or deceived. Know what you would be “marked” with and why.
Before you give permission to be “marked,” know what its full capabilities are. What would it mean if it could be fully operational? What are its functions?
Required: Be alert when you are told “required,” “mandatory,” “it’s the law for everyone.” “He required everyone—small and great, rich and poor, free and slave—to be given a mark on the right hand or on the forehead…” Revelation 13:16
Microchips have been embedded under the skin to track dogs and Alzheimer patients for some time, however, I didn’t know some of those microchips provided access to buildings, retrieve information, and buy and sell goods. CBS News
Honestly, if it weren’t for the possibility something like this could be the mark of the beast, I’d be first in line. No cards, no passcodes; all of my information stored in one location! One unseen chip to access all my information sounds glorious.
After reading this article by Dina Bass and Candy Cheng titled “Bill Gates on COVID Vaccine Timing, Hydroxychloroquine, and That 5G Conspiracy Theory,” I felt more than ever Christians need to pay attention to what God has forewarned about in scripture and what is happening present day.
One particular question caught my attention and tied directly to my dream.
Bill Gates was asked, “What do you make of the conspiracy theories that you’re pursuing vaccine research to control people’s minds using 5G radio waves and so on?
Given the device in my dream was operating like a computer, which can only be done on data or wifi, I wanted to know. His response:
“It’s strange. They take the fact that I’m involved with vaccines and they just reverse it, so instead of giving money to save lives, I’m making money to get rid of lives. If that stops people from taking a vaccine or looking at the latest data about wearing a mask, then it’s a big problem.” Bill Gates, Bloomberg, April 13, 2020
He dodged the 5G network question. Nowhere in the interview did he address technology or the 5G conspiracy theory.
A second article that caught my attention and frankly, was one of those moments when “my jaw dropped,” was an article by Rebecca Heilweil, Vox Media, published on August 28, 2020, titled, “Elon Musk is one step closer to connecting a computer to your brain.” “He sees the technology as an opportunity to build a widely available brain-computer interface for consumers, which he thinks could help humans keep pace with increasingly powerful artificial intelligence.”
This use to be the stuff of fiction, but scientists are trying to make it a reality. If a computer becomes mandatory on or in your right hand or forehead and has the ability to buy and sell, NO!
What would have seemed obviously strange to Christians as the mark of the beast 25 years ago is today what people will embrace and stand in line for the way they do for the latest iPhone. Satan is slow, subtle, and deceptive, but God is giving us signs so we aren’t deceived. The question remains, is your heart ready for the rapture, the coming of Christ?
Jesus is coming soon. Revelation 22:12
One commentary said Jesus’s “soon” return could mean when the final days come, “soon” may be an escalation of the end times. Soon could be in a year, five, ten, or fifty years. We do not know, but Jesus told us, “Don’t let anyone mislead you.” Matthew 24:3 “Keep your oil ready.” Matthew 25:1-13
“The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. Instead, he is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.” 2 Peter 3:9 NIV
Revelation 13:11-18
April 19, 2019 - The date and year of 19 is a double emphasis to pay attention.When I have a dream on the 19th of a month and it pertains to a virus with the number 19, I don’t think God can be more clear that he wants me to pay attention.
Three dreams in one night represent completion, divine fulness. It’s considered a recurring dream, confirming “it will come to pass.”
I don’t think it’s ironic that God used a symbol of a computer virus that can shut down an entire network during a time in history when a virus shut down world systems and people’s movement and livelihoods. Whether or not a vaccination to contain any virus is “the” mark, God uses symbols to wake us up. Read your Bible! Know your Word!
The Amplified Bible states, “That the dream was repeated twice to Pharaoh [and in two different ways] indicates that this matter is fully determined and established by God, and God will bring it to pass very quickly.”
Recurring Dreams; Recurring Dreams Continued
I read this BBC article about the virus and banknotes the night before this post went live. Are scientists using this as a way of promoting a cashless society? BBC
Jesus said we would know the signs and they would increase. Matthew 24
“For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.” 2 Timothy 1:7
Related: Abortion Dream (Timer set at 19 with the interpretation of the “time is now” with a focus on salvation.) White As Snow Dream
Thumbnail photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash