Life Journeys May Have Different Paces — Teresa Odden

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Life Journeys May Have Different Paces

Life Journeys May Have Different Paces

I was sitting at my desk when the silence was interrupted by a message from the Lord. The Holy Spirit impressed upon me, “When it is time for you to take another leap of faith, you won’t be on a hot air balloon.” This might sound like a very abstract message, but I immediately understood that instead of riding on a hot air balloon I would be “jumping on an eagle.” Still, you might be asking, "How does a hot air balloon connect to an eagle?"

On this particular morning God reinforced that my next leaps of faith will take me to new heights and at speeds of an eagle, not a hot air balloon. What I understood deep in my spirit is that the plans the Lord has put in motion in the coming months and year will be at an accelerated pace.

There was an eagle in my Bridge Dream depicting what God is doing, what he wants me to do, and what to anticipate. “Be ready,” he said.

Eagles in the Bible represent God drawing us closer to him and carrying us higher. Also, soaring in the spirit (Isaiah 40:31). Eagles are swift and symbolize strength. (Deuteronomy 28:49; 2 Samuel 1:23; Proverbs 30:19)

A balloon is man-propelled, and it can take us only so far. Compared to an eagle its height is limited, it’s slower and unpredictable. God wants me soaring confidently and swiftly in him.

The eagle that God impressed upon my spirit is used to portray the pace in which God will send me forth to do his will. He chooses where and how I will get from here to there. He is asking me to take a leap of faith when he says “it’s time” and to be ready for the ride of my life. The Holy Spirit has stirred deep within my heart an excitement for the future.

“For I know the plans I have for you,” says the Lord. “They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope. In those days when you pray, I will listen. If you look for me wholeheartedly, you will find me.” Jeremiah 29:11-13


“Our lives get in step with God and all others by letting him set the pace, not by proudly or anxiously trying to run the parade.” Romans 3:28 MSG

I would say that the Lord has directed most of the steps in my life to be accomplished little-by-little. However, in the last seven years, there’s been a drastic change in what God has been doing in Rick’s and my life. It’s been a time of transition. Change has and continues to move quickly.

There were several instances where decisions were out of our control. One instance was when we were returning to the states from Germany. As we made preparations to move to one location, a notification came that we would be moved to a different state. The move date compressed to four weeks, instead of the originally planned three months. At that time we still didn’t know where we would live. And yet again, four weeks before departure Rick was informed of a new assignment, in a different state, than he originally was told.

After these types of experiences took place, we were able to look back and see when and how God quickened our pace and prevented us from taking control. He didn’t give us time to question things or orchestrate the circumstances. Thankfully, he didn’t leave room for us to mess things up.

God doesn’t generally give me the full picture, but through a gentle word during prayer, or through a pastor, or in a dream, he shows me how to trust him with each step into the future. As each step unfolds, the Lord shows me how to embrace his unexpected plans.

When I’m deliberate to see God for who he is, (sovereign, omnipotent, omnipresent) my trust in him is less likely to waiver. The Lord shows me how to rest in him and that everything he’s doing for me is purposeful. Nothing is by accident.

With each step, he provides enough to instill a joyful expectation for an adventurous ride and not a boring one. God’s “hot air balloon” word and my Bridge Dream worked collectively to reaffirm he has a specific plan for my life. A new plan.

God is a God of bigger and higher. He will take us higher than we ever imagined and to destinations we’ve never dreamed of. There’s the phrase, “when destiny calls,” but with Christ, the meaning is when God calls us out toward our destiny. And when he does, may we have hearts that are ready and willing to soar at the speed of an eagle, with him.

Sometimes the journey is at the pace of a hot air balloon; slow and steady. Other times, it's at the pace of an eagle; swift and at great heights. Let God do the soaring and trust the direction, speed, and destiny. Enjoy the journey and trust that the pace he chooses is the best pace. It’s God’s process, and he will designate the place of his purpose for you.

Over the years, the Lord has encouraged and instructed me in different ways. The variety is used to reveal his plans and purpose in my life. Here is a short list of some of his ways.

  • Get Ready to Soar Dream was my first prophetic dream. I was riding on an eagle, skimming the waters in the valley, and flying over mountaintops. When I woke up I knew it was a God-dream, but I didn’t know what it meant, if anything. I journaled it and continually prayed and asked God to provide insight and revelation. A decade later God guided Rick and me to move to Germany and the meaning of the dream was fulfilled. Expect God to do the Unthinkable Full dream in Submerged Into the Presence of God

  • Let God be the navigator. GPS Dream

  • God’s continual instructions to rest in his presence: Exodus 33:14 Deuteronomy 23:9-14 Psalm 23

  • Wait for “It’s time:” Bridge Dream

  • Enjoy God’s glory: Bridge Dream; Submerged Into the Presence of God

  • Don’t jump: Cliff Diving Dream

  • “Believe, simply believe:” God’s instructions to me in 2012

  • Devour God’s Word. “Eat it like a scroll.” Jeremiah 15:16

God will never stop guiding, but it’s at his pace, not ours. In order to know the pace, one must listen and follow. “Your own ears will hear him. Right behind you, a voice will say, “This is the way you should go,” whether to the right or to the left.” Isaiah 30:21

Take time and list specific ways God has and is guiding you. Are some of his ways similar to those above? Continue to give God thanks for his ways, and by doing so, he will expand your spiritual vision to know his will.

With each leap of faith a new adventure begins. It is another chapter in your God-story.

When God says, “this way,” be an expectant and enthusiastic God-follower.

May all that we do for the Lord bring him glory and honor forever.

Thumbnail photo by Ayelén Libertchuk on Unsplash


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